Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Poured in waves

"God is no fixed point or central government, but rather is poured in waves through all things. All things move."

(from the poem "What He Thought" by Heather McHugh)


In a poem that discusses what poetry is, McHugh refers to the execution of Giordano Bruno, a 16th century scientist and philosopher. He was burned at the stake for heresy.

Bruno, like Spinoza, expressed a pantheistic theology. He refused to say that the transcendent Other is actually other--separate. Bruno also espoused multiple universes.
He was way before his time. Physicists in our day confirm his basic understanding of reality. Current theological discussions among some Jewish and Christian thinkers, as well as non-dualistic spiritualities, affirm Bruno's religious vision, perhaps splitting hairs about absolute pantheism.

All things move. God is no fixed point.

We can no longer get our fix through an unmoved Mover or nailed down dogma.

God is poured in waves through all things.

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